Category Archives: weddings
Two months ago I had this beautiful and totally different photo shoot. It was a challenge for me and I really had a great time with these wonderful people. I asked Tabita to tell you more about the session 🙂
“I am sure you are wondering if this is a wedding. Well, it is not! It is our passion though to create vintage photographs with ourselves as the actors of “La Belle Époque”. For about 3 years now, at least once a month, we dream, imagine, photograph and enjoy getting away from our modern world. It is something that I haven’t seen any other couple do, except rarely or on special occasions. We do this for ourselves, and, when we have the opportunity, we request the services of a good photographer – like JolieDee – so we can be more free by not having to bother with our own cameras. 😀 I am excited and honored by the photos Odrida took and that she lives in Paris, a city full of beauty and history. 🙂 We will surely rely on her photographic gift again for a future awesome session of vintage photography. Every session is planned with love, passion down to the very details of the era, like the objects, places, hair styles and editing. We like to bring to life all eras, but, for now, our definite favorites are the 1900s. Is the best inspiration for a romantic wedding where white, lace, pure elegance and respect are intertwined with beauty and love…”
Multumim frumos! :* Superbe pozele! Abia astept sa le vad si pe cele de la ” trash the dress”.
O nunta cu mult bun gust 🙂
Casa de piatra!!
Irina e fericita. Rade cu gura pana la urechi de cate ori te uiti la ea. Asa o stiu de cand l-a cunoscut pe Alin.. E vesela, naturala, si indragostita. Imi rasuna si acum in minte expresia pe care o foloseste des cand suntem impreuna..”uita-te mai la Alin cat e de scump” :)) Sunt doi copii care cresc impreuna si se iubesc mult, asa cum sunt. Si au un suflet mare. Iar in ceea ce priveste casatoria au fost foarte hotarati 😀 La doar cateva luni dupa ce s-au cunoscut, Alin se plimba deja cu inelul in buzunar si cand a gasit locul si momentul potrivit a intrebat-o daca vrea sa fie sotia lui. Asa se face ca la niciun an de cand s-au cunoscut, au fost deja casatoriti 🙂
Pe Irina o cunosc de cativa ani insa ne-am imprietenit doar anul asta. E foarte altruista si iubitoare, si mi-a aratat asta de cate ori am avut nevoie. E un viitor medic stomatolog si in timpul liber se ocupa de decor pentru pentru ca sunt foarte norocoasa, si-a pus la punct toata nunta singura, iar eu am avut atatea lucruri frumoase de fotografiat. N-am cunoscut o mireasa care sa se fi implicat mai mult ca ea in ziua nuntii. Pe langa aranjamentele florale si decorul salii de care s-a ocupat cu mama ei.. s-a grabit la restaurant in ziua nuntii ca sa poata sa-si faca candy-barul singura :))) O sa vedeti in poze cat de dragut a iesit! 😀
Irina si Alin, va iubesc tare si sunt bucuroasa gandindu-ma ca probabil nu o sa mai scap de voi niciodata :)) Ramaneti printre cei mai dragi prieteni ai mei. Vineri va imbratiseeez :p
The road from Florence to Villa Mocale is a dream. You drive on winding paths, among vineyards and olive orchards, under the blue clear sky where even the sun shines brighter. The people are friendlier too and lovelier than usual. When you arrive at the top, and look around at the vine covered hills surrounding you, you really start wondering why did it take you so long to get to this wonderful place named Tuscany. And you really start thinking of how lucky Manu and Simona are, because they live there and have their wedding in such a marvelous place. 🙂
For me their wedding was a journey into adolescence, back when Manu was part of my friends group and Cornel Darvasan kept us close united to the church, one of the things that has helped me stay close to God. 🙂
Simona and Manu, you chose the best way to say “Yes”, surrounded by 40 of your closest people and nature. You were so relaxed and happy that it was passed on to us too. I hope that the fulfillment of that day will remain with you all your life! 😀
I am not sure what you’d say, but I am IN LOVE with Stephany and Nathan’s pictures, and would look through them constantly :)) It is always an honor to capture the wedding of a photographer, and it is more thrilling and beautiful also because, most of the time, photographers have perfect weddings 😀 Stephany Milas is a photographer in Dallas, and her delicacy and beauty can be seen not just in my pictures of her, but also in the pictures she takes of others.
Stephany and Nathan, I have no words to really express how wonderful your wedding was, how cheerful and natural the people were and how happy I am that I had the opportunity to be such an important part of your wedding day 🙂
A few days ago I met this cute, friendly and smiling Indian couple. They came to this wonderful city for their honeymoon, dreaming about a photo session in Paris bringing along their wedding clothes, and I was the luckiest for having the opportunity to take their photos.
After we spent together a few beautiful hours, filled with laughter and stories, I received an invitation to visit them in India. And, luckily, India is on my “places I must see” list. 😀
Divy and Krish, I am very glad to have met you and I wish you many beautiful days together. 🙂