Category Archives: weddings

Fran & Oana – Gorgeous wedding in Paris

Today is Fran and Oana’s one year wedding anniversary and I’m so excited to share their wedding in Paris with you!

They are my friends and they are both wonderful people. Fran is the most appreciated Paris elopement photographer. He is really talented and the fact that he asked me to take his wedding pictures was a huge honor. He is kind and ambitious and he treats everyone with so much respect and love. Oana is one of the nicest people I know and I love to take photos of her. She pays a lot of attention to details which made my job so easy and fun at their wedding. Every single decor element was stunning. I couldn’t have asked for more, ha ha 🙂

I have photographed so many weddings over the course of ten years. But every now and then I photograph one that takes the world ‘beautiful’ to a new level. This amazing wedding in Paris was one of them and I was so grateful to be part of.

There were many happy and emotional moments throughout the wedding, and you’ll see this in the photos. If there is one thing that I remember vividly from that day, it was their first look. For those few minutes, everything was just about the two of them.

Fran and Oana, thank you for the gift of your friendship and for giving me the opportunity to capture your wedding memories in pictures. Thank you so much for trusting me and for giving me such a big role on your wedding day.

I love you both from the bottom of my heart. Happy one year anniversary. I wish you many more years in love, honesty and companionship.





And the last one’s with me, just to show you that I wasn’t that tired at the end, and I could relive this day over and over again, that’s how wonderful it was 🙂

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Our wedding in Normandy, France

Venue: Chateau de Bouelles
Flowers: D&L Flowers
Photographer: Ciprian & Razvan Lupan
Videographer: Redmirrors
Dress: Rosa Clara
Shoes: Ravissante
Stationery/wedding invitations: Lucas Cornea
Decoration/table setting: Options
Hair accessory: Josephine


[RO]  Stau in acelasi colt de pat in care acum un an incercam sa imi gasesc niste cuvinte frumoase pentru juramintele pe care urma sa le rostesc in cateva ore. E liniste, suntem singuri in tot castelul. Acum un an eram inconjurati de cele mai dragi persoane din viata noastra si era veselie si galagie mare peste tot. :)) Afara baietii aranjau locul unde urma sa aiba loc cununia religioasa, mamele terminau torturile, cateva fete aranjau sala unde urma sa fie masa (castelul nu avea restaurant asa ca a trebuit sa scoatem tot ce era in living si sa inchiriem tot ce tine de o receptie). Cat de relaxant si frumos a fost weekendul ala datorita lor! Probabil au fost cele mai frumoase si emotionante zile din viata noastra 🙂

Faptul ca urma sa ma casatoresc cu Mircea imi dadea o liniste interioara. Eram atat de sigura ca e cea mai buna alegere pe care am facut-o vreodata. E cel mai calm, altruist, modest, iubitor si scump om pe care il cunosc. Chiar daca am spus “da” dupa doar cateva luni, aveam incredere in noi. De cand l-am cunoscut isi dedica tot timpul ca sa ma vada fericita. Ma bucur ca a trecut un an si nu s-a schimbat. Doar gandul ca poate o sa am copii asa de scumpi ca el ma face instant bucuroasa 🙂

Am ales sa ne casatorim in Normandia pentru ca e locul unde obisnuim sa mergem de fiecare data cand avem o duminica libera. Ne-am dorit o nunta cu familia si cei mai apropiati prieteni si pentru ca ne vedem asa de rar cu totii am petrecut 4 zile impreuna in aceeasi locatie. Ce amintiri frumoase ne-au ramas!

Va las sa vedeti fotografiile 🙂



[EN] It is so emotional to be sitting in the very same corner of the bed where a year ago I wrote my wedding vows. Now, we are alone in the castle, and unlike the last year, it is so quiet. It was at this place a year before that we were surrounded by all the most precious people in our lives, and the castle was bursting with the joy, music, and laughter. I remember looking through the window and seeing the boys arranging the place for the ceremony, our mothers making the wedding cake, and the girls decorating the reception hall. As there is no restaurant in the castle, it was our pleasurable duty to take everything out from the living room and prepare it for our dream wedding. We would have never succeeded without all these people to help us and share our happiness. How relaxing and beautiful was that weekend because of them! We will hardly have many so special and emotional days for the rest of our lifetime.

In the moments before I married Mircea, I felt a perfect inner peace, sure that it was the best decision of my life. He is the most altruist, modest, loving and sweet man I ever met. Even if I said “yes” after only a few months, I knew that we’re meant to be together, and I had trust in us. Since our first encounter, his only concern has been my happiness, and it is still like that. Even a thought of having kids who look like him makes me instantly happy.

Normandy is the place we used to visit almost every Sunday and slowly got to know each other. Being so special for us, we chose it to spend four days there with our family and friends. What beautiful memories we cherish from those days!

Enjoy the pictures!




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Elopement in Normandy

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Balchik Photo Session with Andreia & Beni

Destination photo session in the Gardens of Balchik

I remember with joy this Balchik photo session. When you are in the right place, with beautiful people, there is no other way for things to turn out, but amazing. 🙂

I have casually known Andreia for a few years. I must admit that at least once I have said to myself: “This girl would look stunning in my pictures”. She always managed to stand out, without even trying.  She became more and more beautiful as time went by. And what stood out, compared to other girls, was that she was modest. And that made her so much more lovely 🙂

It is said that we attract people that are like us, so, she fell in love with Beni, whom she resembles so well. I am so happy for her, Andreia deserves a guy that is melting after her.
I hope you like the photos as much as I do!


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Lavender wedding

Looking at this lavender wedding, Giulia and Beni’s pictures put a smile on my face. How else could you look at the photos of such incredibly beautiful and kind people? I am filled with joy every time I meet people that love so sincerely like they do. Throughout the wedding they were relaxed and natural, knowing how to truly enjoy their special day.
Giulia, thank you for the opportunity to take cute pictures at your lavender wedding, Pinterest worthy ones 🙂  Everything matched perfectly, just like you knew I liked it too  🙂

Beni, I remember with emotion the moment you played for Giulia the surprise video at the wedding. I remember her tears flowing down her face, she was so sweet, like a child. 🙂 May you always make her cry of happiness. 🙂

Hugs, and looking forward to seeing you again soon!



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Theodora & Sebi – After Wedding in Loire Valley

You know that most of the time I am humble, but I am sure proud of these photos. It’s not all my merit, the bride and the groom were extremely gorgeous, and the backdrop was great! All that combined makes me keep looking at the blog post (as I’ve said, I rarely do that :)) ) and say: I want pictures like that too! (I actually tried with the tripod…but it’s not the same ). 😀

What amazing people are Theo and Sebi! They are so cute together! If the sun hadn’t set I don’t know when I would have stopped taking pictures of them
With Theodora I think we remained friends ever since.
I am tempted to say you will see more pictures of them on my blog. 😀
I hope you’ll enjoy the photos, they are the most colorful I’ve ever taken 🙂


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  • Camelia Putureanu - Sunteti de vis!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Dana - Unde au fost facute aceste fotografii minunate?ReplyCancel

Sonya and Cyril – Wedding in Paris

The wedding of these two cheerful and friendly kids will remain in my heart for a long time. Most of the time I come home from weddings so happy, not because it was a perfect wedding, but because I had a great time. But their wedding was both perfect and with an amazing ambient. It was filled with youth, laughter and cheer, with many surprises from friends but also from the bride and the groom. There was always something beautiful and touching happening.

I’ve fallen in love with the reception venue, Abbaye de Royaumont looks great! It was a chocolate wedding 🙂 this was the theme of it, both Sonya and Cyril being big chocolate lovers. 😀 Even the menus were made out of chocolate! I never though something like that even existed, but now I got to taste it :))

I wish for Sonya and Cyril that the years to come will be just as happy and worry-free as their wedding day. While some couples are looking forward to that day to pass these two were soaking in every minute of it 🙂 They truly made their wedding day the most beautiful and their joy spread to everybody else. I think that was the reason why we all came home so happy 🙂

Photography: Odrida, Jolie Dee Photography
Wedding Dress: Declaration Mariage
Location: Abbaye de Royaumont, Asnieres sur Oise
Flower arrangements: Elisa Popescu


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